Introduction To Python

A program is a set of instructions for a computer to perform tasks, while programming is the process of creating these instructions. Python, a versatile high-level programming language, is known for its simplicity and readability. It is used in web development, data analysis, machine learning, automation, and more due to its extensive libraries and cross-platform support.

Write Your First Python Program

This Article covers writing a basic Python program, using comments, and printing to the console. It explains script mode, writing and running scripts, Python identifiers and naming conventions, user input, and printing to the screen. It includes examples of simple programs and rules for naming identifiers in Python.

Indentation And Comments in Python

This Article explains Python indentation for code structure, comments (single-line, multi-line, and docstrings), and the use of multiple and multi-line statements. It also covers quotations for defining strings, including single, double, and triple quotes for multi-line strings. Practical examples and syntax rules are provided throughout.

Variables in Python

This Article explains Python variables, their types, naming conventions, declaration, assignment, and casting. It covers local and global variables, multiple assignments, packing/unpacking, and printing variables. It also includes variable deletion using the del keyword. Practical examples and syntax rules are provided throughout.

Data Types in Python

This Article explains Python's dynamically-typed nature and various data types, including text, numeric, sequence, mapping, set, boolean, binary, and none types. It covers type casting, scope (local and global), and provides examples of variable declaration, assignment, and scope rules. Practical examples and syntax rules are provided throughout.

Booleans and Number in Python

This Article covers Python's boolean values, operators, and conversion. It also explains the use of booleans in conditional statements, comparisons, and flow control. Additionally, it details Python's numeric types (int, float, complex), data-type conversion functions, and differentiates between truthy and falsy values with practical examples.

Operators in Python

This Article details Python operators, including arithmetic, comparison, assignment, logical, membership, identity, and bitwise operators. It explains operator precedence and usage with examples, demonstrating operations like addition, multiplication, comparisons, logical conjunctions, bitwise manipulations, and the importance of parentheses for controlling evaluation order.